Monday, July 8, 2013

First Aid Course and the Different Types

Nowadays, taking courses for first air training is common. Others make the decision of taking the courses themselves while others are required to do it for their professional careers. Despite the fact that most people are aware of these courses though, what people fail to realize that there are certain types in the courses that can be taken.

You probably missed that information as well, assuming that you are not involved in a job that required taking first aid courses. The truth is that, employees need to choose the type of first aid course that they will take according to first aid training requirements that their workplace has. Here are some of the most common first aid courses today.

Of course, there is the basic or standard first aid course which is the one that most people take. This course can also be referred to as emergency first aid. It entails some of the most basic applications of medical aid that is meant for the use of the general public. Its scope takes in all the fundamental principles of first aid application. This is not the type of course that is particularly required for workplaces as it does not involve a set of specific functions. It is suitable to be taken by homeowners, students and elderly people.

After the basics, there are also the advance first aid courses which can also be called advanced life support. As implied by the name, it entails some of the more complex applications of medical treatments. Some of which are the use of oxygen as well as the administration of automated external defibrillators. Managers and employees of first aid facilities are greatly suited for taking these courses.

There are also the wilderness first aid courses which are meant for professionals who work outdoors at remote locations. It can always be expected for emergency response teams to arrive early in such places which makes the said course all the more important. Mostly it involves mountain rescues concerning hikers and wild animal attacks.

For sailors, lifeguards, rescue divers or anyone who works around large bodies of water, the required course to take is for aquatic/marine first aid. To put simply, its scope introduces the first aid principles in specific emergency situations that occur in activities around water. Again, this is very useful for when emergency response teams will take time to arrive such as a situation where a ship has gotten stranded in the middle of the ocean.

Besides the physical aspect of applying first aid medical treatment, there are also courses that focus on those that are needed for mental applications. By taking mental first aid courses, you can learn how to be in support of someone who is suffering from mental illness. School counselors and physiologists are required to take these courses.

Apart from the above-mentioned courses, there are several other types with each having their own specific application. If you are a professional who requires first aid training, you would do well by leaning which course you can utilize for your profession.

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